entry #'s 16, 19 & 20 have too much colour, although the muted, darker green in 19 is quite nice. 15, 17 & 18 are good in that the black with the colour helps to tone it down a bit. can you try muting the colours down in 15, 17 & 18? thanks, Jon.
Entry #21 is good in that the blue reminds us of the water which we live and work quite close to. i can see that you have entered several colours with the black base, but can we ask you to do another one with orange top and black base? thanks, Jon.
you have great ideas! we'd be interested to see what other ideas do you have. perhaps focus on design rather than on water. thanks Heru. cheers, Jon and Mike.
Heru, Your designs are amazing and by far the most creative to date.... We love the indoor window look you have given us with the latest design.. Entry #53 We still like your first design. If we were to soften the window shaped letter, what would that look like ? and can we try an extra colour scheme. Something in the colours of nature soft taupes and browns with a complementary colour.. We look forward to seeing your work. Cheers Jon & Mike
re Entry #65 which we have ranked 1st......can you BOLD type the words "interior design" or make these two words slightly bigger. like you have done, we still want these two words to have less emphasis than "johnsonwaters".
and now also, we need to be bombarded with colours. can we see some new colourways with your entry #65. for example, Pantone colour references:
Greens: 451C, 451PC, 452C, 452PC, 453C, 453PC, 454C, or 454PC; Blues: 290C, 290PC, 291C, or 291PC with a darker blue to contrast 652PC, 653C, or 653PC;
we don't want to limit your ideas re colour. please try anything. we'll let you know what we do and don't like.
ok Heru, re your entry/ies which are presently winning.....can you modify the width of the "j" so that it varies in width similar to the way the "w" varies in width. presently, the "j" is the same thickness all the way until it goes off the left hand side of the page. i'd like to see some variance here. thanks, Jon.
Heru, if we choose your design.. we would still like a few small changes to the J. It needs to be thinner at the top and the dot above the J needs to be more elegant.. not as cartoon like. Michael
Nearly there Heru.. i assume we can still work on it after you win.. the J needs to be more elegant and flow like the W the dot simply needs to be smaller like a paint brush dot.. and i like the corner effect.. not sure if we will keep that.. Michael
Congratulations Heru, We love #278. Can we have one last change to compare.. Can we make the top of the J less blunt..soften it a little with a smaller dot.
When we are finished can we have the file as a vector based EPS file please ? and are we allowed to have 2 files in different colours ?
We need the file today.. i will make the final choice in the next hour if you are able to do the changes.. Thank you Heru. Michael