chag sameah hanukkah.... feedback is good.... do you want the date in the logo? Is there a theme other than NY? can he connect some way to the theme of his parasha for the week of the event?
the logo does not need to incorporate jewish themes or the date. It should be more playful. I love rollerblading in Central Park, going to sporting events at Madison Square Garden, and like how NYC is the city that never sleeps. It could be cool to incorporate the colors of the J, M, and N subway lines into the image.
some options... also if there is another part of the subway map you would prefer to see let me know specifically the part... I tried another part more in lower Manhattan but it didn't look as good design wise.
When is the bar mitzvah? I teach 6th grade at my synagogue - can definitely relate...
Thanks for the modifications. I think the original is still the best. Bar Mitzvah's in March. We're kinda last minutes people and have a ton left to do! Thanks again!