Jikoni ProductionsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Jikoni Productions

Jikoni Productions has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 76 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.










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entry #4

i like this concept very eye catching which is great.

1.) move the pan down so the handle doesn't touch the letters "NI" at the edge
2.) same with the whisk increase the space with the top of the letter "k"
3.) can you make it bigger like #5 but keep the size of the pan the same that's ok just use a higher font for the the letters and enlarge the cracked egg
4.) is it possible to put a flame under the pan and try using one solid color like red or range or both is possible to mimic a real fire you can post different variations of this either solid colors or multiple ones.
5.) also like in #5 increase the drop effect of the egg into the "O" spelling productions which will bring productions a little lower and stop the pan handle from touching the edges of the letters "NI" in jikoni
14 years ago
entry #5

1.) decrease the size of the egg still keep it big but not too big to where its touching the edges of the letter "k" and "N"
2.) increase the effect of te egg dropping into the "O" spelling production and move production a little lower down make it look like the egg is dropping further down
3.) same as on #4 increase the space between the whisk by a very small amount just so as its not touching the edges of the letter "k"
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Adding fire under the pan. Solid color

(This comment references Entry #6)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Adding fire under the pan, gradient color

(This comment references Entry #7)
14 years ago
entry #7

1.) move the pan down a little bit more to where the handle is in the middle of the last letter "s"
2.) i like the gradient
14 years ago
entry #8

i like the way this looks know
1.) try some more font types for the word "production" something more grimy and edgy, i like the way it looks know but i want to exhaust it no problem with "jikoni" that ones okay.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
move down the pan a little bit

(This comment references Entry #9)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Change the productions font, a more grunge style.

(This comment references Entry #10)
14 years ago
Entry #10

Keep the "production" brown and keep the grunge look
14 years ago
Entry #9

1.) increase the font size of the word production by one value, also post different sizes
2.) turn the pan handle a little more Till it's right Under the "s" giving of the appearance that the word "production" is in the pan
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#13 #14
Increasing the font size and move the pan a little bit down.
Change the color of the production word
14 years ago
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