#52 getting so close to the image i had in mind... can you put a thin blue box around the image or somehow define the top of the heads of the faces.. this is a great one.. i love the font and wording the way it is
#52 will you do this one with the color of the star and faces orange and the writing in blue... also what would happen if the faces were in color and the space between them and the star were white
Hello and thank you for your feedback... I have submitted a design w/faces orange leaving the negative space white, which is very impactful... this particular configuration will not work if both the faces and the star are the same color as the star defines some of the space between the faces... I will work on another solution...
is there a way to make this a mroe horizontal logo.. puting th wording on the right of the graphic... or maybe incorporatign the initials JTT.... also can we play with colors a bit more too.. a green maybe.. not sure.. also definitely like the wordign in black better than in that blue