JetCruiserLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / JetCruiser

JetCruiser has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 155 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.














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Love the way #16 is turning out, especially the globe attached to the "J". The font color needs to be a richer purple (darker), such as the one used in #14.

Would like to see a more elegant type of font...maybe something like the one used in #12.

Only thing is missing waves or a ship?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi There
Thanks for your feedback. It's good to know that you like my design.

I'll try to tweak and put some wave or ship some how :)
Well update to you soon.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's some update. Hope you like it.
10 years ago
Looking great! When I enlarge the picture of Entry #36, it looks like the trail of the plane is jagged (rough...not clean lines). Also, could we try to make the lettering JET a bit darker/bolder so you have a lighter globe, dark JET and then the a deeper purple for Cruiser - nice contrast.

In regards to the ship, it seems everyone is going with generic designs. If you can come up with an option that has the ship attached to the "R", but something simple and elegant - drop maybe a bit of the detail of the ship. I still want it looking like a ship, not a boat. Something similar to the ship in the logo of Destination Croisieres by linggayoni17.

In regards to the overall size, can you enlarge it slightly, similar to Entry #35?

In regards to the color PURPLE, looking at the same deep richness of "Ralph Lauren Purple Label". You can Google that to give you an idea!

Hope the above is of help!

Many thanks!
10 years ago
Forgot to mention...

Love the color combo that they used on this "Black Book Travel" by and One Bar & Lounge by graphixspehere.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there..
here's another update.
I tried to simplified the ship, hopefully it suit with you.

the jagged you see is actually i did it on purpose. So the plane trail looks cut the font and leave trail. but anyway I cut them loose on my latest design.

also there some color change.. and maybe another color experiment in next submission

thanks for your feed back
10 years ago
Thanks for the update! The ship is now too big and too detailed, so let's revert back to the size of the ship on Entry #36. Definitely do not want the height of the ship being higher than the letter R, as otherwise, it looks too busy with the airplane flying right above it.

I still prefer to have more of a simple hand stroke ship design such as in the logo of Destination Croisieres by linggayoni17.

Please focus on tweaking Entry #36, not the others.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's another update... :)
some tweak as your request.
just try to use bold font and slimmer one... hope this font is suit with you...

i'll try to find other font just in case i feel its suit better...

thanks :)
10 years ago
Working on #69, the ship needs to have it base at the same level as the bottom of the letter R. You seem to have done that in Entry #71 and like that it touches the R and expands from the letter.

In regards to the ship, it is the correct style but still a bit busy. Somehow, if a line can be dropped from it, it will look a bit cleaner.

The Jetstream should also be a straight line.

As far as fonts, like the one in Entry #63, Entry #44 and #46 to give you an idea.

Now just to tweak the color a bit. Love the color combo that they used on this "Black Book Travel" by and One Bar & Lounge by graphixspehere.

Getting very close! :-)

10 years ago
I just saw your latest version #73 so please apply my comments above to that design, rather than #69. Thanks.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
[updates] New color and new fonts...
10 years ago
#76 looks great!!!! We are definitely going in the right direction in regards to the font style! I did not like the others that you proposed. Love the Black/Gold combo with the fading as well. Can the gold be a bit more gold/metallic/richer?

In regards to the ship, can the line from the R and the base of the ship be straight/horizontal? It doesn't seem clean/connected at the moment. Also, the lines of the different decks of the ship seem a bit jagged so concerned once the image is blown up, that this would not show well?

Another suggestion...if the plane was just slightly bigger, so it looks in proportion to the ship.

Many thanks!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
[update] Some tweak in color and ship...
10 years ago
Thanks for all the updates! Looking great and leaning towards #106!

Noticed that the GLOBE is now smaller than before so please increase that so it is larger than the letter "J" and comes down into the J - similar to how it was in Entry #71. The globe should start coming out of the bottom of the letter J smoothly.

If possible, can the ship lines be a bit cleaner/crisper. When I enlarge the picture, it still looks like it was pasted there with slightly jagged lines?

One final request, what about switching the globe to a modern design such as in Entry #29 by kib647? That might put it all together as nice modern logo?

I think that should cover it and hopefully we can finalize something in the next 24 hours. Many thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi There.
Glad you like it. I'll make another tweak soon.

About globe. I'll try to make a modern globe for you. But maybe different and not similar with design you mention. Cause we are not allowed to use other designer design. Just don't wanna get in some trouble. :)
10 years ago
Thanks for the clarification regarding the GLOBE and completely understand. Please note that I was not asking you to copy, only to get an idea from it. I like that modern style/look and I think it will match really well with the plane/ship style so it will be nicely balanced!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Yup I get it :). Globe is common item in this contest. So I just have to make a different kind of globe. Maybe same type but different enough. That's it.
Will give u update soon.

Thanks for your feedback.
10 years ago
Logo Designer

some tweak on the ship. I upload a bigger ship so you can see it in more detail

new type of globe, and working on others.... will get back to you soon

thanks :)

10 years ago
Thanks for the updates! When I enlarge the SHIP on Entry #111, the lines still don't seem that clean/crisp--they still look a bit jagged/rough. I like the design of the ship so no need to change that, just somehow make the lines smoother.

In regards to the GLOBE, that one is too busy, too standard looking for my style. I prefer the style in Entry #29 by big647, which I know you can't copy. If you can do something similar to that, it would be perfect!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
another globe design... hope this will work for you.
fyi. we can make this globe more perfect even after contest finished if you wish...

I also give you bigger size of the ship. the jagged/rough you see is actually caused by the line is not a straight line. It has a little curve. so once it exported to Jpg, the line looks jagged. but if you see the original file. all is good. Vector file is also wont give rough line even its re-size couple times than it original. But if you still think thats not good enough, I'll make it more straight for you :)
10 years ago
Dear Sofyan,

Many thanks for ALL the updates and the quick turnaround time! In regards to your logo design, I have a little bit more tweaking if possible?

For the GLOBE, if it can be a bit lighter in color (more gray rather than black) PLUS we need to make sure the bottom runs smoothly with the letter “J”. When I enlarge it, it looks like it is slightly lower than the J so if it can be raised just a bit, that would be perfect.

Thank you for the larger version of the SHIP. I still see very minimal jagged lines but trust that you have that covered. It is probably the way I see it on my monitor / laptop.

Two final requests…

Can we somehow implement a more METALLIC GOLD effect on the fading of “Cruiser”? Again, similar to metallic feeling as in the design of One Bar & Lounge by graphixspehere, although they used silver and we want gold.

As I look more at the other entries, the ONLY thing that pops to my mind that I do NOT like in this logo, is the FONT STYLE. Is there any way of using something crisp modern like in Entry #109? I actually love the way that looks, and would prefer the lettering not be in italics or at an angle.

In regards to the final image files, what format are they provided? I assume JPEG? Also are you able to provide it as an Adobe Illustrator CS2 file?

Out of curiosity, where are you in Indonesia? I used to have 5 offices there for the cruise ship business. They still exist but no longer involved.

Fort Lauderdale
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi niklas
I'll work on your request soon.

I am in jakarta :). I'm pretty sure you used to have one of those office here :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
About the file. Raw files will be *.AI *.Eps. Eps is the standard file that you can open in other vector design program.

Final image will be in hi resolution jpg or any other format you want. I also will send you PDF file format.

10 years ago
Great thanks! Signing off now so will be back online in about 8+ hours. And yes, had the office in Jakarta and it still exists now but just not involved with that company anymore.
10 years ago
Logo Designer

two new fonts and their variations and highlight.
10 years ago
Thanks for the updates! I will check it out in detail in about 8 hours time...have to run to some meetings.
10 years ago
Dear Sofyan,

Final updates! I am actually interested in BOTH designs on my ranking so need to figure that out by tomorrow.

AIRPLANE STREAM - if you can start it from the J (but not cutting into the J). The letter J should be full/complete.

AIRPLANE - prefer that it is more GOLD than BLACK.

COLOR - If you can do the GOLD METALLIC fading look very similar to Entry #137. That color scheme is perfect!

Since the letters/characters are NO longer in italics, can you please adjust the SHIP so it is coming off of the R. Therefore you won't see the angle and the gap between the R and the ship. Ship coloring seems to be fine.


10 years ago
Logo Designer

new color scheme and what this logo looks like in a simple black and white color
10 years ago
Awesome! Looks perfect and love the final look. I will discuss with my team here later today and revert back by tomorrow with a final decision.

Please provide with your contact details. Thanks!
10 years ago
One more little tweak to Entry #146. If you can make it just a touch more GOLDEN METALLIC. Thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Got to know you like it. I'm not home right now. Will give you update soon after I get back home :)

Hope the meeting will pick me as winner. Hehehe

FYI. Before contest finished. We're not allowed to give any contact detail to CH. that could make others think there's a back door deal. If you let say pick me as a winner. The contest than end. Then there will be a link that I can upload all files you need , all variation and raw files. You can download them and once you like what I send you. Than you can accept those files and I will get pay.we can always have communication before and after you accept the logo files.

After contest end. But you also want to buy others designer logo (not the one you pick as the winner). Than you can give them private message to buy the logo and raw files you want.
10 years ago
Logo Designer

put some more highlight on #146 and add some more color scheme for golden metallic looks

10 years ago
Dear Sofyan,

My team noticed that the letter J is cut at the bottom from the jetstream. Can you please redo with the complete letter being present. The Jetstream can start from the J but should not in any way cut in to it.

10 years ago
Plus can we see it as a black and white version as well once you have updated the change?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I've submit the update :)

10 years ago
Perfect! :-) I will revert tomorrow. Although the team will make the final decision, I may want to have BOTH logos - yours as well as the other leading entry. How can we manage that option? Can you email me at Niklas jetcruiser Com
10 years ago
wrong email! jetcruiser@bellsouth,net
10 years ago
Logo Designer
we can make contact after once you pick winner and the contest finished :).

thanks :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Basically you just need to contact the other designer that you dont pick as a winner if you also want their logo.

we'll talk about that after this contest end..

10 years ago
Dear Sofyan,

My team has chosen Entry #137 however we still want yours as well. :-) Once the contest is finished, please email me so we can sort that all out. Thanks again for everything. This was a lot of fun and such a great website.

Best regards from Florida!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear niklas
It's good to know you like and want my design too
I'll contact you after this contest over

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I've sent you email as your request

Thanks :)
10 years ago
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