Hi, Uta! Thanks for your designs. I like some of them very much. Question: could you try a different color combination? While I like blue+grey I think it lacks some of the freshness/rejuvenation/modern element we´re trying to convey behind the relaunch. Maybe trying with colors like orange or that kind of bright/energizing color palette can help.
Thanks so much for your quick participation and attention to this request.
Thanks, Uta! Sorry for being a pain but could you try combinations that do not include red? Sorry about that, I know I should have listed it in the brief. Thanks for your help!
Dont have a particular combination in mind. Liked navy and yellow but a strong competitoe already owns that. Maybe different tonalities of blue and orange can work. Maybe green and yellow, making the green more solid/dark as to convey presence. Thanks for your patience!
Hey, Uta! Can you please remove the envelope from #9? I like it but the envelope does not convince me totally. Feel free to add any more creativity :) Thanks!