Please don't remove any of your designs and save them all for discussion - you're in the lead at this point and I really like the loop graphic concept.
green - thank you for all your submissions. You've created what will I believe will be the winning logo and I will most likely want to purchase another at a fair price, particularly #104 - how does that work:? Is it permitted?
If you visit the website, you will see at the bottom of the home page the graphic which is to be replaced - it has to be a transparent logo for that media.
#104 I would like to use for business cards,
134 is so far my favorite for our signs, but I would like to see it with the white background (similar to 121) if possible for the transparent logo on the website
Also, do you do independent work? I have another company I need a logo for as well - do you have a website?
thanks jenifer all logo formats, JPG. EPS, PDF, Ai (Adobe Illustrator), PNG (Transparent) type font that I use to suit your needs, then will I give after the contest ended, and I'll send it via email, because in logotournament can only upload 2 files, the format JPG. and EPS.
if you want to buy another logo, of course, and later we can allow each other a bargain price