Thanks for your submissions. We really like entries #41 and #42. Our one concern is that we want this to go on letterhead, etc. -- so we don't want it to be a postage stamp of a black background. Is there a way to take the JBF stainless design and make it so that it could stand out on a white background?
Thanks for making those changes. The black still makes the logo stand out best, so we are wondering if there's a way to craft a black-filled oval around the JBF stainless part, but within the green ring (so that the green ring would circle around the width of the oval). Do you think that could work?
Also, could we see version #50 with a darker silver and a darker green? The gradient looks great so definitely would like to keep that, but the silver looks faded and the green veers too much into a yellow-ish color. Thank you!