Entry 18 - can you come up with something bigger and more detailed. Really looking for an emblom/symbol to go with the name. Message conveyed to be Past/Future. Not interested in just initials and name.
In your profile I see that you came up with some good ideas for other companies like the train and elma branch.
How about puting in the slogan in the circle band. On the upper top half - Janus Risk Solutions / Bottom half - Where Understanding the Past is Knowing the Future.
Could you make one face look younger and the other older? Also could you make the symbol a little bigger.
Entry #53. Like what has evolved. I won't ask you to make any more changes at this time. But if you could answer these questions.
Can Entry #53 leaves be colored only. While the rest remain black and grey? I like the color of the leaves on entry #50.
Not sure of your comment in regards to "change the color to appear on the banner"? But will you be able to chang the script and make it a solid dark grey instead of fading?
Entry #50. I prefer this over the newer designs where you chage by putting the leaves on the outside. I prefer the leave the hug the faces. If you could put the world behind the faces for entry 50.
Entry # 77. Put the world behind the faces for this entry. Also can you chane the Name of the Company color to a solid Grey. Don't like the colors for company name.
Entry #76. Can you change name of company to solid grey. Can you change script to resemble 77 or would you be able to use the suggested script from www.januslofts.com?
Entry #94 & #95. Use the same script for both using that of Entry #94. Darking the script to the same darkness as the faces. I think the letter is just too light.
Chnage world and faces for both Entry #94 and #95 to that of Entry #85.
Change world and faces on entry #50 to that of entry #85.
Thank you for all the changes; we are going in the right direction.
Entry #132 & #134. While I am usually a fan of the crest look I don't think it goes well when combined with you original design. Thanks for trying new things.
Entry #140. Can we see how it would look if the leaves are green? Also take "Inc" off the crest. I like the 139 concept do you have any ides that could have the faces together versus looking at each other.