#31 - This is a nice design and we like the simplistic, yet sleek look of the logo. We really like the font! Can you take out the dots of the logo and make it upright and more spine-like or a "J" (just a suggestion)? It looks kind of like a baby duck right now. :) It just needs to be refined a little. Thanks for the other designs, but the logos aren't really what I'm looking for.
I am not tried to give the shape more a spine look or tried to make it upright because if I do so it may get close to some other designs. I am trying to be different enough from other designers work. Hope you understand my concern.
Feel free to ask for any further revisions, variations.
Soumya, #38 is the only one that really stands out to me, but you didn't make the symbol upright as I asked. Also, the middle "S" design is not exactly what I'm looking for... it's too wide and it looks like a baby duck still. #36 doesn't look like a "J" to me at all. I appreciate the attempt.
#42 - Thanks for making it upright. However, you didn't change the middle of the logo at all, which is the main thing I don't like about it. Can you make it into a sleek-looking "J" instead of the "S" shaped baby duck symbol?
#49 - can you take out the dots? I like the color of the logo. Can you make the text a little larger? This is one of my favorites if we can just change these few things.