Thank you very much for your creativity. We totally understand that we have a lot of words to attach to a logo & think you did a good job fitting them all in. However, if you took the words away & just looked at the graphic on it's own, there's really no identifiers with either Chicago or Jane Austen. Additionally, we all thought the graphic was too cute - it would work well for a kids program to convince them reading is fun but we're a group of adults & young adults.
These are much better. What I suggest is that you Google Chicago skyline since there are many famous buildings here that have distinctive & recognizable shapes. In our skyline, that would be the Willis Tower (previously Sears Tower) & our John Hancock Building that sort of bookmark the downtown area.
Will let you know what the rest of the committee feels about the revisions when I hear.
Much much better Sebastian on the architecture. I recognize it as Chicago. One suggestion which I should have told you yesterday. If you're looking for a silhouette, google l'aimable Jane.