Jandel HomesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Jandel Homes

Jandel Homes has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 311 designs from 38 different designers from around the world.
























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Logo Designer
Your feedback can better direct my idea.
hope you like this,
thank you.

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Entry # 1:I don't like having a white background.Try incorporating the word modular with homes.Try using colors that you like vs my preferred.
14 years ago
Entry # 2: Try using a lighter brown (perhaps beige) for the background and something with more of a brightness for the other colors(perhaps closer to red or orange).
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you for your feedback, is this a better direction?

(This comment references Entry #5)
14 years ago
Entry #5: I don't like the blue or the grey.. The background color could be more to the brown/beige tones. The sketch of the home isn't very exciting.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you, will reflect on more options. Just curious, where are you seeying the color grey in #5? I did not use that specific color...the inside of the house is white, i'm curious if your screen is not expressing the correct color tone?
As far as something more exciting, are you visualizing anything in particular you would like to explore closely with me? Any symbolic objects you prefer seeing? Perhaps a bit more abstract? What makes your modular home services exciting for your buyer?
Are you planning in keeping your website as is? Or perhaps that will change in order to fit your new logo?
thank you.
14 years ago
I"m seeing grey in the entire background. I can see that the inside of the house is white. The logo will also be used on neon signs so i want aq background color behind the entire logo that will reflect well and also make the logo stand out. As my business is mainly with rural clientele and we are situated quite far north many people identify with an outdoor lifestyle. A thought would be to try incorporate the northern lights and maybe the symbol of an inookshook (probable not spelling this right). Maybe not real prominent but subtly in the background. It's difficult to answer what makes buying from us exciting. We have a very large selection of products to chose from and we display considerably more show homes for viewing than our competitiors. We are a full service company meaning that we can deal with all the tasks involved in buying and preparing your land or we can consult the buyer who wants to do it on their own. We try to make the process enjoyable and as stress free as possible. It is a very stressfull process for some people but it is always exciting when they take delivery of their new home. Our web site will definately change once this process is complete. I am also hoping that the colors of teh logo will be incorporated throughout te organization (signage, brochures, etc. etc.)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
with the northern light theme...not sure if i understand the symbolization of inookshook...i'm thinking it's about " wanting to do it on your own" idea...preparing the land etc...

#11 are the colors more to your liking? is this a fair representation of what you were thinking?
14 years ago
See below for inuksuk description. The northern lights aren't quite what I want. Perhaps a little more abstract with the different colors "dancing" in an up down format versus the color seperation with one above and one below. When you look at the northern lights they are generally green and purple and are not static but rather they are constantly reflecting and moving around ("dancing"). i haven't made my mind up if i like the house in black. Generally this is starting to look like what I am invisioning.

Inuksuit - Signposts of the North
An "inuksuk" (pronounced "in-uk-shuk") is a monument used for communication and survival that is usually made of un-worked stones.

Inuksuit (plural) have been used by the Inuit people as guides and markers for special places in the Arctic, marking trails, caches of food, nearby people, or the migration routes of caribou.

Such a marker is of considerable importance on a landscape that could be otherwise featureless or constantly changing because of ice and snow. These "signposts" were essential for survival and Inuit tradition forbids their destruction.

An inuksuk-like monument in the form of a human being is called an inunnguaq (an imitation of a person). These seem to have been a recent development and many inunnguat (plural) are being built by non-Inuit but are incorrectly called inuksuit.

When the people of Nunavut created a flag for Canada's new territory in 1999, an inuksuk was chosen as a symbol because of its importance as a guide to people on the land and a marker of sacred and special places. The inuksuk has now become a prominant symbol of the Arctic and is featured on t-shirts and souvenirs.

Recently, a design resembling an inunnguaq (mistakenly called an inuksuk) was chosen as the symbol for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you for your time and explanation...will work on edits.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I think #32 would look fantastic on your neon signs...
14 years ago
Did you receive my last comment responding to your comment regarding #32.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i did not receive your last comment about #32....did you send that in my private email? I don't see it there, nor here...if you could resend it either in private email or in my contest page, that would be great.

thank you.
14 years ago
Entry 32: Could you keep it as is bt widen it out as per #13. Could you also widen it out and remove the word modular but use the word homes similar to entry #1.

Entry #1: I'm still ranking this one very high. I realize it is a completely different direction than 32 but I would still like you to contemplate this one as well.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hoping i understood you correctly.
I've kept everything the same but widened it for a panoramic view #33, or less drastic panoramic view #36. is this what you had in mind? or like #35?
#34 without modular...and word HOMES like #1
yes, for entry #1 i shall contemplate...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
do you like this idea? #37 I believe this design has reached its potential because i keep going back to its original look. #1
this variation seems to represent nicely, how "easy and stress free" your home delivery process can be. it has a refreshing feel...
14 years ago
#35: This is now my number 1 choice. I'm still not pleased with the look of the house.The amount of space it takes up is fine. The placement is fine. The green background is fine.
#37 : This one is not working for me at all. I don't like how it is outlined in white. I still like the original better (#1)but the house looks like a garden shed to me.. Perhaps this concept but more abstract.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you, will work on revisions. your feedback is most helpful.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
#40 #39 revised home look....is this better?
14 years ago
#39: I'd like to see something where you carry the theme from the bottom half all the way through. Losing the northern light concept and keeping the house as is or trying something diferent.
14 years ago
Is it possible to put the double houses from #40 on design #1 [in black or brown] instead of the existing house on #1? That may give #1 a different feel.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i apologize my availability didn't make it in time to provide you with the edits you requested.
good luck with your new logo.
14 years ago
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