I really like this and would select it as a winner if you could tweak it a bit. In my contest submission I included a picture that has seix logos in it. One of them is Ashlar, and it has like a road thingy to left of the logo. I like this slashed look, but could you try and put maybe a rook, or maybe something heraldric in that kind of image.
I have updated the information for the contest, and added a screenshot of how the logo will be used. Any logos without a heraldry element will not be chosen.
I'm letting a few of you guys, that I think had the better designs know this. I'm very interested in the logo having an element of Heraldry. To give it a classic feel. and NO real estate tropes like hooves, keys, houses, windows etc.
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if there any improvement again.. please let me know..
thank you
thank you