Hi Clem! This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much you are so brilliant!
I apologize for keeping you waiting...I will finish the contest and choose you as winner.
Hi! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, I had family visiting and now I am on vacation with my husband. One thing I was wondering...can you take the I and the C from my name and put the initials together with nothing else? Include the butterfly. That way I can use these initials for a watermark on my web pages. The logo itself looks fantastic!
Hi! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, I had family visiting and now I am on vacation with my husband. One thing I was wondering...can you take the I and the C from my name and put just the initials together with nothing else? That way I can use that for a watermark on my web pages. The logo itself looks fantastic!
Thank you so much. I don't have any further suggestions at the moment because your previous suggestions have proven that you have a good eye for design, which resulted in the beautiful artwork I created with its beautiful color combination and overlapping butterfly wings. It's been a pleasure working with you, as you have the ability to effectively communicate your opinions and ideas to designers in a way that is easily understood! <3
Hi Clem! Fantastic work integrating the new colors! Can we use the color for "Ivana Camoletto" from 601 here? Its darker and will make the name pop a bit more. Also, I like the letter "I" from that version as well. Can you make those changes for me? Thank you so much, you are amazing!!!
Hi Clev! Thank you for these lovely variations. I have uploaded a JPG that has a new palette of colors, please use them in all the variations below.
592 with the new palette.
594 with the new palette but without antennae
593 with the new palette. Also, a version with the butterfly from 594 but without the antennae.
579 with the new palette. Also, a version with the butterfly from 594 but without the antennae.
Thank you so much Clev! I know we are going to create something amazing, I love your ideas! Blessings!
Hi Clev! I like "the flower" (design) of reference because it is more abstract, subtle, artistic. Something that I told you at the beginning of our exchanges about what I want. I see the design as a logo at the same time while keeping a small space between the letters. Can you try to do something similar? Thank you very much!
Hi, I changed the font and for the flowers I think the ones in the reference are png, is a lotus flower. Do you want to replace the flower / butterfly that I made replaced with a lotus flower??
Hi there Clev! Thank you for communicating and offering some variations. I have uploaded a new .png file for reference. I like the font and the design of the flower. Please have a look at it and see if you can incorporate it into my logo. Thank you for your flexibility. I greatly appreciate it!
Hi Clem! I hope you had a nice weekend. This is looking great. The dimensions and overall balance is good. The letter I is a nice size, but can we go back to the skinnier font from #588? It is more elegant looking.
Do you have any ideas on improving the overall design? I'm not sure about the butterfly...I wish it could pop out a bit more. Are there other colors you could experiment with? Thank you for all you do!
Hi Clev, this is very good! Can we make the I in Ivana a little thicker, so that it matches the spiral C? I would also like the letter I to be moved downward down just a tiny bit as well - I would like the top of the I to match up with the center of the butterfly. Also, the slogan needs to be shifted a little bit left so that it is centered. Thank you for all you do, Clem!
Hi Clev! I am pleased to hear back from you! I have 4 more changes to incorporate.
1. The new color looks great. I was wondering...is it possible to have the color of the spiral gradually change into the color of the butterfly? Right now it changes abruptly when it gets to the letter "a". I would like to see a gradual change, a transformation of the color. I think you artists call this style of color change is called a "gradient".
2. I like the shaping you added to the bottom of the spiral. It gives it more dimension. Can you add some of that shaping to the rest of the spiral?
3. The butterfly has two colors, which I love. But I think the lighter color is a little too light. Can you make that color a little darker?
4. Please put points (like the head of the butterfly) between the words of the slogan, and center it.
Thank you!
I apologize for the delay, I have been facing some issues these past few days, but hopefully, the problem will be resolved soon. Anyway, here are the revisions. I have changed the color and modified the bottom part of the letter "I". I'm really sorry for making you wait, and I hope you can understanding.
Hi Clev! Love what you did! Can you take off part of the bottom of the letter I, though? I circled the part I would like removed. Please make sure the I and the C line up and are the same size. Also, can you try a new color for me? I would like to see this design in the HEX color #B22489. And as always, thank you for your hard work. It is really coming together!
Hi there Clev! I do have some final suggestions. Right now the spiral has 2 distinct colors. Can you blend the colors so that it starts as one color in the center and slowly transforms into the final color? Also, see how I extended the bottom of the letter I in Ivana? Can we try adding something like that at the bottom of the letter? Many thanks!!!
Hello! It's lovely! I feel like we're really close! Although sometimes it's hard to put ideas into words, you incorporated all my suggestions. :) Yesterday I asked you to remove only the antennae of the butterfly and leave the point (the head) that is in the middle. If you can add just the point I would like to see it. It's weekend, enjoy it. When you can please make the changes! We have more days ahead. Thank you so much!
Hi! This is very beautiful! A suggestion, can you remove the butterfly's antennae and leave only the dot. It reminds me of a third eye. Another idea I would like to see is replace the butterfly entirely with the leaves we had from 566 (keeping everything else you added here, including the little motion dots). And continue with the same color concept with the slogan! Thank you so much!
I want to share a few more ideas: I would like the two leaves that simulate butterfly wings to be the same color, possibly the same color as the slogan. Symbolizing the idea of transformation from working with family constellations. I'd like little dots under the wings, pointing the way, like the 531 design. Maybe just on one side. You could give a little thickness to the spiral that is the C in the lower curved part to impart a feeling of strength. Thank you very much! Looking forward to finishing this project together!
Hi Clev! Your new entries are really beautiful! I am now wondering...do you have any suggestions to make it even better or improve upon it? Thank you very much!!!
Hi! This is really coming together! I'm wondering if you can make the butterfly a little more subtle, more abstract. Is that possible? Also, I really like the colors from 500. Lets use those. Many thanks, Clev!
Hi clev, this is so beautiful! In your previous version, you put the letter "a" in Camoletto in front of the spiral (490). Can you do that with this logo? Also, can we make the slogan bigger and try a different color for it as well, something that will make it pop out a bit more? Thank you!
Hi! This is lovely. Can you make the spiral more stylized? Less circles maybe? And put the logo underneath the whole thing, not just the name. Thank you so much!
Hi Clev! I love the concept! You could try different colors (Canva #a64973 #d8849e #dbb3a9 #ff007b #8f4257 #d8ad9b #cd8999 #ce336f #ee1c81#040505 #f8efeb). I would like more subtle leaves that simultaneously simulate wings. You could try different fonts for my first and last name, I feel them very rigid! Finally, you could put the logo next to my name, integrating both concepts. Thank you so much!
Comment Activity
I apologize for keeping you waiting...I will finish the contest and choose you as winner.
I hope you have an amazing time during your vacation. I have added options for the monogram "IC" logo.
Enjoy your holiday!
Thank you so much. I don't have any further suggestions at the moment because your previous suggestions have proven that you have a good eye for design, which resulted in the beautiful artwork I created with its beautiful color combination and overlapping butterfly wings. It's been a pleasure working with you, as you have the ability to effectively communicate your opinions and ideas to designers in a way that is easily understood! <3
592 with the new palette.
594 with the new palette but without antennae
593 with the new palette. Also, a version with the butterfly from 594 but without the antennae.
579 with the new palette. Also, a version with the butterfly from 594 but without the antennae.
Thank you so much Clev! I know we are going to create something amazing, I love your ideas! Blessings!
Do you have any ideas on improving the overall design? I'm not sure about the butterfly...I wish it could pop out a bit more. Are there other colors you could experiment with? Thank you for all you do!
1. The new color looks great. I was wondering...is it possible to have the color of the spiral gradually change into the color of the butterfly? Right now it changes abruptly when it gets to the letter "a". I would like to see a gradual change, a transformation of the color. I think you artists call this style of color change is called a "gradient".
2. I like the shaping you added to the bottom of the spiral. It gives it more dimension. Can you add some of that shaping to the rest of the spiral?
3. The butterfly has two colors, which I love. But I think the lighter color is a little too light. Can you make that color a little darker?
4. Please put points (like the head of the butterfly) between the words of the slogan, and center it.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Anyway, thank you for your positive feedback, it really uplifts me!
I will fix according to your feedback, thank you!