for #152, can you show it is blue and gold, and add in a line in front of the word forum and a line after it. we like the blue but need an alternative color and the gold may work better. maybe also with the dark blue and another shade of blue?
Arip, we have definitely chosen your logo, but they are still not loving the colors. definitely a dark blue, but they need alternate color too - maybe different shades of lighter blue? grey? what do you suggest? Thank you! and we want it with the lines by the word "Forum".
they still aren't loving the second color, to go with the navy blue. What about these: c-0, m- 1, y - 90, k - 19 c - 0, m - 35, y - 100, k - 20 c - 0, m - 35, y - 100, k - 0 c - 22, m - 11, y- 0, k - 20 c - 33, m - 33, y - 0, k -0 c-0, m - 82, y - 27, k - 29 c - 35, m - 18, y - 0, k - 25 c - 6, m - 0, y - 0, k - 7 c - 0, m - 14, - y - 77, k - 1
we are so close - they asked if on the first 2 or 3 ranked, you can change the blue to: Color Name: Classic Blue Pantone Code: 19-4052 TCX Pantone Sku: 19-4052TCX
then they will meet on Sunday and pick the final one. Thank you!