Hi Anna - Thanks for submitting your ideas! They look great. We especially like the "twinkle" star-like element in your designs, and would like to keep that in the design. No specific revision requests at this time. We like the way you included an additional design along with the company name. We'd love to see more!
I thought it would be great to use the logo with and apart from the icon, or use the icon alone in some places. Either way it will work great, readable and fun.
We like the font. It's quite pretty. Any additional thoughts on the icon? We like the simplicity of the single circle with the i the best, but aren't sure. Also, I think we'd like to keep the whole word "iSparkle" together. Thanks again!
My new design, shooting for a logo that is professional and aesthetically pleasing. You can use the icon together with the name or use them separately still honoring the branding of iSparkle. Revisions welcome.