Islamic DNALogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Islamic DNA Islamic DNA has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 127 designs from 24 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Positive thinking Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 7th #107 Withdrawn New #106 Withdrawn New #110 Withdrawn Prefers others. #111 Withdrawn Prefers others. #109 Withdrawn Prefers others. #108 Discussion omersiddique Client hi please write dna bigger and islamic bolder with 3rd effect 12 years ago Positive thinking Logo Designer Assalamu'alaikum Mr. Omer,Thank you for your appreciation of my design.I have an improvement for your consideration, it's more martial looking,but unfortunately, in this stage now, only top five ranked designers can submit entries.Awaiting for the next feedback...Best regards,Pt 12 years ago