Islamic DNALogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Islamic DNA Islamic DNA has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 127 designs from 24 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by bestone Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 9th #72 Withdrawn New #73 Withdrawn Prefers others. #64 Withdrawn Prefers others. #63 Discussion omersiddique Client hello thank you for your entry. can you please remove the guys from the logo and replace them with crecent moons. also if you could add a glow and reflection to it it would be great. thank you very much. 12 years ago omersiddique Client hello if you could add a mosque in the background like entry #75 in aqua blue or strong green it would be very nice. thank you 12 years ago bestone Logo Designer if you have arabic version of 'islamic dna' and need to make be caligraphy, I can make this... thanks 12 years ago omersiddique Client yes ok use arabic version. also add mosque in background thanks 12 years ago bestone Logo Designer so please give me the islamic dna on arabic word. thanks 12 years ago