Just a quick update in case you reply and i delay a little, because it´s late in Portugal, and i will sleep in few minutes. But i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more variations if needed, feel free please.
Please check revisions done for your appreciation and let me know what do you think of them:
- #100 | #101
I´ve just increased a little bit the size of the word "Washington, DC" so it fit better bellow the year "2012". I think the logo will look even more balanced this way.
As always feel free to ask if you need me to work on more variations. Your suggestions are welcome isfg2021.
Can I see two revisions of this 1. make the font color for "International society for forensic genetics" dark blue to match the top line and "ISFG" 2. make the first change AND remove the shadow from the G in "ISFG" and open the G up some so it looks less like a O
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Just a quick update in case you reply and i delay a little, because it´s late in Portugal, and i will sleep in few minutes. But i will be back again tomorrow and i can work on more variations if needed, feel free please.
Will leave you my timezone bellow in case you need to check:
- https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/portugal/porto
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Hope you´re having a good day.
Thank you very much for the great feedback.
Please check revisions done for your appreciation and let me know what do you think of them:
- #100 | #101
I´ve just increased a little bit the size of the word "Washington, DC" so it fit better bellow the year "2012". I think the logo will look even more balanced this way.
As always feel free to ask if you need me to work on more variations. Your suggestions are welcome isfg2021.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
I´m glad you like my logo concept.
If you need changes feel free to ask please.
Your feedback is always welcome.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,