#59 and #60 are very nice, we love the separation between the mark and the tagline which will make the overall logo more practical to use. we would love to see different font, more web 2.0 type of fonts there, more rounded, minimalistic. Other color options to compare would be great.
#57 and #63 are also great and might steal the show. Only issues with these are the color choices and font. we'd love to see amend here, please have a look at the logo we've uploaded, the colors there should give you a good indication.
Congratulations, we were very impressed by your work and it is only fair that you are selected as our winner.
That said, would it be possible for you to make some light modifications: we would like to modify the font, to a bolder and more web 2.0 maybe similar to font in your entry #68 maybe? And also a color changes in the gradient, maybe some lighter and brighter tone, to give a slightly more sophisticated feel.