Entry #14, 13, and 12. I'm in LOVE with these colors you used. So bright and colorful - they just make me so happy! I think, though, that the symbols that are above my name do not speak to me. I don't see myself out of them - and that is really what I'm selling. My market is saturated by photographers, so I'm selling that I am the most fun and unique photographer in this area. Does that make sense?
In entry #12 I can see the relation with photography, but it just doesn't grab me. I do love these colors, though! They make me smile!!!!! Oh and I think I like entry #12 and #14's font's the most for my name. !Gracias por tu ayuda!
Hi Isabel i love your work is pretty fresh and outstanding, thanks for your feedback probably it was the color and lettering what i focused more on this submissions let me work more an icon i will be using the colors same way thanks again.
Thank you for the new submissions, Rick! I am going to reject #'s 34 and 35 and here's why. There is this pretty popular photographer out there named Becker. I have no clue what his first name is. Everything he says or does is Becker. Well his logo is basically this [b] - and EVERYONE who is a photographer knows him as this. And it drives all of us non-egocentrics totally insane!!!!!! So, since 34 and 35 are so stinkin' close to [b], I have to reject it, for the love of all of us down-to-earth photographers.
#37 is pretty cool! I'm going to do some more thinking tonight. :)
Thank you!!! Oh and thanks for the compliments on my photographs. I love making others smile with them :)
Oh don't worry Isabel i understand perfectly i know about that Becker example case, i have more ideas to offer you as #37 last one, i want you to be really identified and happy with your logo let me keep working on it thanks :)
Thank you again, I just reranked these and I'm starting to see that possibly the first 3 might be closer to who I am. The first two have that smiley in there that is so subtle and simple - but it grabs your attention - and there's no other photographer with something like that out there. The third ranked works well with my wallpaper I have on my blogsite, twitter, and youtube channel....But I have still really loved the colors of your designs. Does that help you at all?
I have seen what you ranked at the same time i keep working on your logo, i know how special is for you to be different form other photographers to get recognized, we still remain some time to arrive to something you like completely, thanks for your feedback it really helps :)