Isabel Sam PhotographyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Isabel Sam Photography

Isabel Sam Photography has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 161 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
i hope your like
please your comment

(This comment references Entry #7)
15 years ago
Hi Sevi!

I like entry #9 because it's simple and pretty and has a nice color. I wish it had something else to kind of distinguish it even more so.

So with entry #8 - that seems to have my initials with it to distinguish it. That is cool. It's as if you were saying "Isabel Sam is Photography" - Something about that, though, just doesn't work for me. I love it that my initials do make it more personable and make it more about me, because God only knows how over saturated my market is, but it just doesn't work for me. I wish I had a background in design to explain myself better. I'm sorry I don't. :( But thank you for this submission!!!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
oks thanks
The following entry I hope you like it

(This comment references Entry #40)
15 years ago
Hi Sevi!

I like entry #44 because of the grunge you have in it. I think I'm taking my photography to a more grungy level this year with more off camera flash and back alleys. I'm not completely sure that it takes into account the happiness of my business, though. Right now, I've just reranked the entries - and so far I think I'm some where between you and the first three for where I want the logo to go. I so wish I could explain myself better.

Thank you for your entries!!!
15 years ago
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