Your design #41 is still my current favorite, but here are some ideas for improvements. When the logo is small, it is hard for me to tell what the picture is in the shield. Maybe you can change it (just a tiny bit) to make the bull a little easier to see? I love the metallic look of the shield, so please do not change that. The other suggestion is the lettering/font. I don't like the gradient shading. I like the two color approach like you did in #37, but the blue wouldn't look good with the shield, maybe you can try something like that with black and gray? I'm not sure, I'd love to see your ideas! Thanks!
Your 68 is still my favorite of your designs, but I really appreciate that you are still submitting other ideas like 86. 86 isn't what we are looking for, but you are a good artist and I would love to see more of your ideas.