Thanks for the super-fast response! Makes sense that you can't use light bulb or graduation hat. But math symbols are too specific. The app can be used for learning across different subjects. Can you think of something more neutral? Also would be great if the educational enlightenment is applied to the person standing ON TOP OF the cube not the person in the reflection. Thanks.
the light bulb and graduation hat are already used by other designers, and i can't use them. So, here is update with mathematical symbol: plus, multiplication, division..
Can you possibly give us different color variations for this (e.g., blue, green, Penn State blue - RGB = 4+ 30 + 66)? Also, we really like the design, but this logo was ranked lower in our group survey because the educational theme is not clear. Can you possibly do something like adding a small light bulb, graduation hat or something of that sort to the person on top of the cube?
Since iPRACTISE deals with matching resources to learners, I like how this figure illustrates the transformation (figure sinking downward versus figure upright). However, the hand in the image does not fit well
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the light bulb and graduation hat are already used by other designers, and i can't use them. So, here is update with mathematical symbol: plus, multiplication, division..
Here are my first options.
Please don't hesitate to leave comments and advices.