I thought it is pretty self-explanotory. You can research the meaning of 'wings on human' online on your one if you want. The basic story is that people with wings "are Angels, of course. They are divine liaisons. They are messengers with the ability to move freely from the realm of earth-bound matter to the unlimited heavens. They're depicted with human attributes, and so we reason they have human interest at heart. They are gifted with magic and flight, they are creatures of the divine. They live betwixt worlds (indeed, Greeks thought angels were responsible for moving constellations and planets)" In my graphics it is converted into a bit art-deco style with the super-power-man reference. "A superman/ a divine creature hurries to save someone, etc".. Basically there could be lots of different stories behind this graphics.
I believe this is a great new identity for you. Simple, clean and unique for the industry. Strong message behind the icon. Could be used with/without glare effects.
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