Entry #7 I like your idea of creating a symbol with the letters. You mention orange and blue, but when I first looked at it I thought it was black -- perhaps a "bluer" blue would resolve that. I'm not sure about the orange -- perhaps it will grow on me over time..if not orange what would be your next choice of color for the symbol?
Entry #8 I like this one, too...but same issue with wording...looks black to me...how about a "greyer gray".. Also, what is the meaning of the two marks next to the letter "n"?
Dear Competition holder, first of all thanks for your feedback. Excuse me for my raw english. I will make the changes about colours as you want, but now in Italy is 8.00 pm and I have to meet a good friend for dinner. When I'll be back I will work for you. Now I try to explane what's the meaning of the two marks next to the letter "n" in the #8, but I'll certainly find it difficult, in spite of I've got the meaning very clear in my head. So, when you have to write a number, frequently you use the letter "n°", with a little zero on the top right. Now we speak about "numbers", so I've tried to got the plural across the duplication of that little zero. Thanks a lot, I'll be back in max 4 hours.
I like the new colors for the text. Is there a way to make both graphics on #13 and #14 a little bolder, less "washed out". I believe I prefer that to the lighter shades. The lighter shades seem weak, more passive to me. Your thoughts?
Your english is fine, much better than my italian, especially since I don't speak any italian. It is early evening here so I am also headed out to dinner, but I'm sure my american food will not compare to the italian food you had. PS. I am a big fan of Azzuri -- was in Germany for the World Cup in 2006. Sad result in 2010 -- looking forward to Brazil.
I like what you did with #21. My service is meant to keep people safe from investment scandels (like Madoff) and in turn to protect them from being sued. The "half circle" conveys "protection" to me, sort of like having a roof over your head. I'm not sure if that was your meaning, but like how it looks. The only issue I have is it appears very light, almost not visible. I would like to see the graphic be a little darker. Thanks!
I'm very happy because you can read in my mind and this is a demonstration that two people can meet togheter even if they are very far. So, I want to try to explaine perfectly my idea for #21. The protection appears... in spite of the emblem is light, infact you've feel it. My decision to make it light was born from a personal sensation of freshness that I would like to find beside the protection. A light and fresh symbol appears to me more powerfull if it is beside a strong logotype. Now I try other two graphics: the first (#21) with the same lightness for the emblem and a stronger logotype, the second (#22) with the emblem little darker. Thanks again Mister IBN.
I understand what you are saying about "freshness", but my preference seems to be leaning towards the designs with darker designs. I like the font and darkness on #8, could you please use that with the graphic from #23? I would also like to see the graphic from #23 with the font and darkness from #15. Also, please note it should be "Numbers", not Number"
Could I also see #28 graphic with font and darkness used on #8?
I would like to describe another idea I had as a variation of the graphic on #23. For the outer circle, I would like to see four segments, with each segment overlapping, beginning on the inside and ending on the outside. I see alternating the the green and blue colors. This design would show a cyclical process -- something that is part of my service. Keep the inner part the same as #23.
I was able to upload my drawing (please excuse my crude sketch) figure how to post on my beta website to show you (see below). It is a little slanted...I didn't scan it level and couldn't figure out how to fix that -- the letters would be level on yours. Hope you can see it!
That looks great. Yes, I believe this grey font on #34 looks a little better than the darker font on #35. Is that what you mean by first....the one I rank highest from you?
Were you able to see the concept on my webpage for the graphic? So one like #34 with the four segments surrounding the center letters?
Whoops...just saw #37. That's the idea. It looks exactly like my drawing. So that's perfect. However, I liked the thinner, rounder format but I couldn't draw it like that. Can you make the new outer part less thick and more round? Use your judgement on what you think looks good, keeping the four segment concept.
I think that's more what I had in mind. Could I please see #38 with the same blue and green from version #34? I appreciate your all your efforts. By the way, I oldest son saw #38 and said "oh, wow -- I really like that one".
We are having a group of people over to watch the Super Bowl so I will be involved with that for the next several hours. However, I plan to show them the logos to get their input so I have more opinions other than just my own.
Thanks for sharing....hope you were supporting Green Bay yesterday. Did you do the team logo?
I would like to ask if you would please create versions of #38 and #39 that have a larger graphic...perhaps 25% larger. The original looks a bit small now that I see the size of some of the other logos...Thanks.
At the moment there're some troubles with the server connection for logo tournament and I cannot upload the new logos. Be patient please. I'll try every two minutes. The team logo of BengalsBrescia is not mine and, if I have to be sincere... I don't like it. By the way, I'm happy for the Green Bay Packers: great Aaron Rodgers!!!