We really like your red design, but we obviously would need it to be able to be used on a lighter background as well, and we're not crazy about entry #93. I think its because the globe is too pink and you can't really tell its a globe. Could you propose something else for the occasions when we use a lighter background?
Thanks, we like these other options much better. Can you show us what it would look like if it were a little more three dimensional? Also, we're not sure this is the best image of the globe since we're targeting Asian students and Asia is not really on the globe you're using.
Thanks for uploading the new logos and listening to my feedback. These are terrific. I have a few other questions.
1. How would #140 look if we included a white book? 2. What if we needed the wording to be to the right of the globe for some reason, like in some of the other entries? What would that look like? 3.What if the logo had to be printed in black and white for some reason? What would you recommend we do for that? 4. Where would you recommend we put the copyright, trademark, etc.?
Thanks for these designs, we are very pleased. We do have a few questions. We'd like to use this logo on stationery, gift items, web sites, and embroidery. With the file format you provide to us will I be able to use it right away in all these situations? Also, if we chose your logo will we retain ownership of all variations?
Great, thats awesome to know. I have a few other comments:
The ones with the writing to the right, like #147 & 148, I think because the logo is smaller it looks like the book is really cramped with the "IEO". Could you move the book down a smidge? Also on these ones with the side writing could you make the I, E, and O in large Caps and the rest of the words in small caps? Comparing #137 to #148 i think we like the shadow on #137.
Of the black and white options, we like #150, but we think it could probably be improved to look a little sharper.
Finally, the logos with the red background, like #153, #140, etc. the "opportunities" could be a bit bigger and the "ortu" seem like they're faded a bit in the center.
Thank you for making those changes! Could we also see how the globe would look with some latitute, longitude lines and also with the color of the earth tones a little lighter to make it look a little bit more deep? Also, on #174 and #175 please make the first letter of the words "I,E,O" larger than the rest of the letters in the word? (we prefer the gold writing in #174).
Could you also make the word "opportunities" bigger in #150 and #176?
Also, I just wanted to confirm that there are 18 logos here now, maybe when the contest is finished there will be 20 or 22. When the contest is over we will receive files for all 22 variations, is that correct?
Our favorites are still 173 and 175 (we like the maroon color best), but we would like to see them with more subtle latitude and longitude lines that don't stand out so much as they do in 183. Also in 175 we'd like to see the large caps like in 183.
That looks much better. The word Opportunities is spelled incorrectly in the horizontal versions of the logo (175, 184, 183,182,181, etc.) please fix it.
Can you also put the latitude, longitude lines on 137, 139, 150, and 180?
We're still having some issues but we would like to get this wrapped up as quickly as possible. Here is what we would like to see in order to move forward with the winner selection. In all the horizontal versions there is a spelling mistake. Also we're still not happy with the latitude and longitude lines. They are squeezed on the left side when you look at the globe. Is there any way to make the continents any brighter? Here is what we think we need to move forward
#173 - we'd like to see this with and without the R and with unsqueezed, lighter latitude lines and without the latitude lines. #148 & 175 - We'd like to see these with the spelling mistake fixed and with the large I,E,O. We'd also like to see them with unsqueezed, lighter latitude lines and without the latitude lines. #184 - We'd like to see this with unsqueezed, lighter latitude lines and the spelling mistake fixed. #180 - We'd like to see this with the word "Opportunities" bigger and with a little more depth to the globe (but not as much as #149) #140, #137, #139, #150 - We'd like to see these logos with the word "Opportunities" bigger and with and without latitude & Longitude Lines (but the lines should be lighter and not squeezed on the left side. #182 - We need the spelling error fixed and we need the I,E,and O to be larger. We'd like to see this with and without latitude & Longitude Lines (but the lines should be lighter and not squeezed on the left side.
We've been very pleased with your work, when we need other work (business cards, stationery, etc) would you or your company help us with that work? What is your hourly rate and how should we approach you for new work?
Sorry but my english isn´t too good and i don´t understard what you mean by "with unsqueezed". I'd like you clarify to me this to make the changes correctly.
No problem. On the left side of the globes with the lines, the horizontal lines all come together at a point, it looks like they are being squeezed, like a lemon or an eye shape instead of a round shape like on the right side of the globe. The horizontal lines on the left side of the globe are almost touching, they should be more spread out like they are on the right.
Thanks, these are looking much better. I think you missed a few though.
We still need one like #173 with no R or TM or anything and no latitude longitude lines.
Can you also make us a version of #173 that has a TM by the "n" in Education and on the top right of the "O" in the logo?
We also need a version of 190 and 192 (with and without the back shading) with no latitude and longitude lines.
We need a version of 146 with the spelling fixed and a big I,E,O with and without the latitude and longitude lines.
We'd really like to get this finished as soon as possible, especially #173, as we would like to use this for some sample business cards and make sure it prints ok. Is there any way you could send us a 173 as a file attachment so we can do some test business cards and make sure it would look ok?
I'd really like to process payment for you tomorrow.
Thats terrific. I just compared everything and we have a lined and unlined version of everything we need except #194. Can we have a version of #194 with the latitude and longitude lines please?
Thanks also for getting us the file for the business cards proofs. It printed beautifully.
Also, Would you like to continue working with us in the future? What are your hourly rates?