I really like your shields but I am having a problem getting comfortable with what have overall so far. You seem very creative. Do you have other out of the box ideas to help us achieve our goals.
We need to appeal to the students (6th through 12th grades, mainly in China) and their families and private schools in the USA. All aspects can be changed including changing the byline, eliminating the shield, etc.
We like many of your designs, but we think the shape of the shield you are using is too similar to a police badge shape versus a coat of arms shape. Also we're leaning towards designs that have a shield divided into four quadrants because we believe it will give us the most flexibility (we can change out what appears in some of the quadrants based on the country we're targeting). We also like designs that have the wording on the right and left-justified versus centered below the image. Would you be interested in resubmitting based on this feedback?
This looks great, thanks for responding to my request. A few comments:
could you make the "International Education Opportunities" in small caps with only the I,E, and O (the first letters of each word) big?
We're not crazy about the designs in the crest. Are there other options you could include? We like the globe, thought maybe the torch would look better without the book, but the book could be its own or with a graduation cap? We're not sure we fully understand the people, but like that it is trying to communicate community. Maybe a handshake would be another idea?
We also think the "blueprint for global excellence" is difficult to read. #5 seems to be the easiest to read. Maybe you could look at that for ideas?
Thank you for the rank and feedback, i appreciate it much :)) yes i withdraw my entry, icarrhou and Julls59 think that a shield/coat of arms with divide in 4 pieces was they idea
i will try submit a shield/coat of arms with divide in 4 pieces with another way
We liked the shield you created last with the new shape (dip in the center). Our contest closes in about an hour and thus we would like to look at this compared to the most recent entries. I believe that shield would be a strong contender, but obviously we can't consider it if we don't have it.