I absolutely love this logo. It is refined but somehow strong at the same time. My question is to wonder if it is too refined. Is there a way to give the script initials more punch without overpowering the name? Also, how would you incorporate color, or do you think it should stand alone without?
Entry #8 I absolutely love this logo. It is refined, but strong at the same time. My question is to wonder if it is too refined? Is there a way to give the script initials more punch without overpowering the name? Also, how would you incorporate color? But I love it, the only thing that I could not see with this one as well as some of the others is that it does not translate to a stamp or sticker as well as some of the others. The I P doesn't seem to stand alone as well. maybe adding some size or boldness to the font would do that?
Entry # 11: I like this logo as well. I love the fluid nature of the symbol itself. It is very current, and fresh. I like the only color being the dotted "I" . I really don't know any changes that I would make... unless seeing how it would translate in a grey and green, instead of black.
So glad you like the logos. I have revised #8. I have made it a little bit stronger, and on some added a splash of color, and a couple have different placements. Please let me know if this is the direction you are wanting to go. Made a couple little tweaks to #10 also.
Entry #51: The strongest contender of the new options for this design: .. Again, so much I like: Could there be some vertical lines, or a ghosted oval behind.. something to give the total some mass? But still don't want to loose the sophistication.
Entry #55: Like this one the best of it's similar designs. What would it look like for the"P" to pick up again on the other side of the "interior perspectives"? ..like the p is intersecting the name?
More background info: I like the original, current approach to the design. What would you do to make it more architectural? Could the vertical rectangle intersect the name? Nothing too literal.. however - which I am rather sure you would not do.
I've been away from my computer for the last few days. I just noticed your comment. I would love to make changes for you. This art is on my home computer. When I get home I can work on some changes and let you know when I have it ready. You are in the final phase of your contest and only the #1 ranked designer can enter. So later today when I have art ready for upload you would need to switch me into first place long enough for me to upload.
Hello vicvic.. I am glad that LT opened up for us to have the three more days. That allowed me to see your most recent work. I will have to say that I still like #139 the best of even these new ones. It is cleaner to me. That is what was so nice about your logos.. they are simple, clean and strong. This is so tough, but right now the 2nd spot is where you are placed. Thank you! I so appreciate the hard work you had put into this tournament.