About Colors!!!
As you can see here how it looks like the drawing (I give an example #122) so will also be printed on paper(Business Card). Printing Company will say what file they want to receive from you in RGB or CMYK colors.
(Red, Green, Blue) color mode is for anything that is computer-based design. This includes websites, apps, banner ad and any other design created for electronic use.
(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color mode is used for print design. This includes logos, business cards, stationary, illustration, packaging and any other designs used for print.
When you printing business card you must first select the PAPER (Types of Paper for your Business Card) and size on which will be printed logo....BUT DO NOT FORGET before printing, you may request PRESS PROOF (Press proof is a test print of the data directly on a printing press) and see what it will look!
If you do not like u you can stop the printing process and modify that bothers you...or if you like you can immediately approve press!!!