Thank you for making all the revisions! Can you change the orange font color on Entry #15 to #f16600 and gray to #666666? We would also like to see "Social. Safety. System." be removed from the logo. Thank you, again, for all your cooperation!
We love what you have done with the coloring! We especially liked the effects that you had on the wording previous to changing the colors. Would you please add those same effects in to the wording and logo of the new colors? Thank you again!
Hello Anindito. At this time our team really likes elements from both your logo and the logo that is currently in the first ranking. Since LogoTournament rules demand that we select a winner we are going to finalize the rankings as they are with your entry (#78) being in second place. With that in mind can we conduct a post contest deal with you to purchase #78 for $100? Please advise and nice work. Thank you.