I guess it says that we can ask for other changes after the winner but you may decide to charge a fee. Is this what you mean?
We can select you as winner if you don’t charge us for:
Color change
Logo on left and logo on top version
Black and white version
Black background version
Thank you!
Hi Dezig. You are the winner but the contest say that we can’t ask for any changes after we select you. Is this true? It sounds like we won’t be able to post comments to you.
Here I try to offer several colors, hopefully one of them is suitable for you and team. can you first determine the winner? even if in the future you don't find a suitable color, I will help you find the color for your logo.
We are working to provide you some hex numbers. Do you have any color suggestions that aren't blue for the signal? The team figures that since we are changing the logo - we should be open to changing the color.
The following is the revision of the logo, for the blue color the link listed cannot be accessed, can you please provide the hex number for the blue you mean?
Hi Dezig. This is great, please rotate logo 30 degrees counter clockwise so that blue lines are vertical. And then give us a couple of color options for the blue. We would like the blue to contrast a little more with the black. We will also try to specify an RGB hex code for the blue. file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/64/04/B11CCEF4-FB33-4138-B57D-41D3523FF9F2/Messages%20Image(2086057502).jpeg
We love the latest! Can you please:
1) combine outside black logo ring with blue of design pf #426
2) use a font which capitalizes "INTELLIGENT"
3) place logo above company name - or do we get both versions - e.g. logo on left and logo on top
Thank you- we are excited!
Hello Dezig. We are down to your designs and one other. Some of us love your design while a few feel the logo is too generic - and doesn't have any link to technology at all. Do you have any other ideas or variations that make the logo more technical - such as circuits, systems, control systems, network, etc.?
Our team is liking your design more and more. Are there any other variations of the logo that you can think of to better connect it technology and engineering?
Overall, your design is clean and balanced. Like the font
Comment Activity
We can select you as winner if you don’t charge us for:
Color change
Logo on left and logo on top version
Black and white version
Black background version
Thank you!
You are awesome! Thank you!
1) combine outside black logo ring with blue of design pf #426
2) use a font which capitalizes "INTELLIGENT"
3) place logo above company name - or do we get both versions - e.g. logo on left and logo on top
Thank you- we are excited!
Overall, your design is clean and balanced. Like the font
remove tag line
like circuit icon but needs to be more technical, colorful, less abstract, etc