I do like them but prefer a bit more rounded rather than sharp. Please try something around the concept of data, integration, automation - something iconic would be interesting. thanks
I really like the most recently submitted - this is almost too rounded, seems almost childlike/overly simplistic - but very much like the concept and new coloration. Please try the words (Integrity Works) to the right of the icon, a little less rounded on icon ("w")- maybe a line to separate Integrity Works from slogan - thanks
Thank you, I will continue to develop the design based on your feedback a bit later this evening. Im so glad you like it, I feel its a very clever concept with the hidden i in the w.. :)
I would love to show you the logodesign in red, only thing is that Im at my work now (different timezones) so Im afraid that I dont have enough time to get back home in front of my mac before the deadline in 5 hours. After that only the one in 1 place can upload new entries. I will really try to do my best and hope that I can submit before deadline, or that you can give me the possibility to submit by putting me in 1 place temporary after the contest is going into the last phase.
Made it :) I provided you with a few options, just let me know if there is anything else you want to see.
Ps. On my screen the previews looks a bit blurry, hope they looks sharp on yours, if not just let me know and I'll talk to Logotournament and find out whats wrong. All my design are made in vector so they are not supposed to be so unsharp.
Anne, thank you so much for your participation - in the end, you came in 2nd - I really appreciate your input and creativity and will certainly keep you in mind for future reference.