Great work, however, can you use the pyramid instead of the hands. Style and thickness is up to you. Can you submit a second version with the words under the name in smaller text saying:
Accounting | Consulting | Tax Services.
I leave the separator choice up to you. That or you can try placing them on the diagonals of the pyramid. Try the version you think looks best. Great work!
Love this. Can you submit a second version with the words under the name in smaller text saying:
Accounting | Consulting | Tax Services.
I leave the separator choice up to you. That or you can try placing them on the diagonals of the pyramid. Try the version you think looks best. Great work!
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Accounting | Consulting | Tax Services.
I leave the separator choice up to you. That or you can try placing them on the diagonals of the pyramid. Try the version you think looks best. Great work!
Accounting | Consulting | Tax Services.
I leave the separator choice up to you. That or you can try placing them on the diagonals of the pyramid. Try the version you think looks best. Great work!