Here are some of my proposals. Instead of creating a separate icon / typography combination, I've created an all encompassing logo / unit. One that can be used for additional elements just as watermarks and favicons.
The logos are 100% vector so will scale well to any size, and works well in full colour, B&W and on coloured backgrounds if needed,
It would be my pleasure to work up any variations so please do say. I look forward to your comments or thoughts.
First of - thank you very much for entering! These are three very good logos! Yes, Friday is always good for obvious reasons. :) It's too close to the weekend to be any other way!
I think I would like to focus on entry #86. I can see great potential in here and I like it A LOT. Plus as you mentioned yourself - it can be a favicon, watermark ect. which is great!
In terms of feedback: - Could please post a slightly bigger version as I can barely see 'photography' and the detail? - Loving the 'inta' font - If I see correctly at the moment there are white little lines as the first circle around 'inta'. In the next circle there the same lines but in greenish. Can we try a version where the elements don't repeat? For example we can keep the white lines but add green dots (instead of lines). Please note - it doesn't have to be dots, whatever you think will go well. - In outer circle can we please try a version without the four holes on top, bottom, left & right?
My absolute pleasure :) And thanks for the kind words and feedback, always appreciated and welcome!
Hopefully your having a good Saturday?
And here are some variations based on #86. I've tried a number of variations and executions - whilst keeping the original look and feel. I also tried a few colour options to see what would look good. Of course if you like something from one, but not another, then we can mix and match :)
Thank you for the updates! Saturday so far so good plus my contest's open phase is finishing soon so úber excited! :) And yours?
I do like #99 and #100 a lot. Couple of requests (you can apply this only for the #100 if you want): - Let's put back the holes on top, bottom, left and right. I think I prefer them that way after all. :) - Can I see a dark grey version and black version as well please? - I have a concern about the word 'photography' size. Not sure how readable it will be on a small scale. What could we do to improve that?
My pleasure ... And yep Saturday going well thanks :)
Of course not a problem at all ... And here are both #99 and #100 in those formats. What I've done is; 1 - colour but with dots back, 2 - dark grey solid, 3 - greyscale, 4 - solid black.
I've also increased the type size of photography by 2 points, and used a bolder version of the font. There is space to increase it a bit more, but I think at the moment it sits quite comfortably with the wording "inta" - a good balance.
Good work! Let's focus now on #107. - can we try even darker grey? (For example photoshop colour # 474747 is quite nice) - can we try even bigger font size for 'photography'? Maybe it's worth expanding the background it sits on?
Not a problem at all ... Each of these three, I've darkened the grey. I've worked in CMYK, so have gone for 88% black - which is pretty much the same as #474747 (I can use exactly that hex colour if you wish, but thought if you printed anything, then it would only be 1 colour instead of 4 - as the hex 474747 is quite heavy on the CMYK front).
I've also experimented with 3 different sizes, each getting slightly bigger than the previous. The last two, I had to increase the surrounding area to make it fight.
Sorry for being quiet for a wile - I've been away from computer. Thanks for the updates! We're getting closer! :) Here's some feedback/requests: - thought I ranked #115 as my current number 1 I think I prefer #112. #115 feels a bit flat as it has only one colour through out the logo so #112 is a easy fix for that. :) And I think I currently prefer dots to lines as it floats better with the letters in 'photography'. So let's focus now on this one. - Can we try to make the letters in 'photography' more round? I think the font size is OK for now. - And finally I was wondering if we should try brighter colours? One in green - a brighter/livelier version of #110. And one in red - think of deep red? Keep the inside in a darker shade and outside in a lighter please.
Thanks for the additional feedback and comments, and not a problem at all. Here are 5 new variations, #140, #141, #142, #143, #144
Each one uses a different styled rounded font, some lighter some heavier. Also each one has a different colour scheme. So either same colour / different shades. Or two colour.
Good work! Here are the latest thoughts: - the font from #141 is good! - can we try the colour from #141 even brighter? - let's try one version where the faded red on #142 is less faded please? - and let's try a version where the red is even stronger on #142?
OK, so now let's focus a bit on #148. - the outer shade of red is a bit too weak, could you make some with a stronger versions? - and can we try a version with the original stripes on the white background (like on the good old #86 haha)
And here are those iterations ... I've tried to make the outer shade a bit stronger, but tried to find a balance between getting too close to the bright inner red, and staying pink.
Don't worry - you managed to find the balance very well! :) Can you do #161 with the original lines as well please? So sorry - all that work and in the end I prefer the original! Oops!
Right - I think these should be the last last changes: - #165 with the outside colour #5f9195 (I know you don't use photoshop but this is the only descent way for me to explain) - And #141 and #145 with lines instead of dots. Just to help me decide later on..
Aah don't worry I do work in Photoshop (a fair bit), and understand HEX colour ... What I do is convert it to CMYK, as anything for print needs to be in that :)
Have done those changes for you and here they are: #191, #192, #193
I think personally I prefer #191 - I like that it has two colours which give it depth. Of course the advantage is that the logo can also be just 1 colour, which makes it good for things like B&W.