I really like your design #1. I like the lettering, I like the horse head in the S. I would be curious to see the S a little bigger and maybe see some different colors. I am not sure I am a huge fan of orange, although it is a nice contrast.
Hi, thanks for your feedback and grading. Here is the design with the required change #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19. I hope he's okay. Your comments are welcome.
I am really drawn to all of your designs. I like the sleekness of this one. I think the horse is beautiful. I think I like the aesthetic of this best of all, but conceptually I may be just a little bit more drawn to the concept of the man running incorporated into the horse head that is ranked #1. I like your lettering better. I wonder if there is a way to incorporate a child into the most recent design. You are the craftsman and I really like your work.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. I really appreciate it:-)
Hello thank you very much for your feedback. It is a pleasure to work for your design. Here is my alternative to the required change #42 #43, hope you're all well.
As I read back to my comment I see I wasn;t clear. What I was asking with # 50 was if where there was green could you put blue, and where there is blue, can you put green? So what would the horse head look like if it were blue and In were blue, and Stride were green? That was my mom's suggestion. I am willing to entertain it.