good initial concept. Not sure what feeling potential customer may feel about orange arrows? What does it show - reiteration, looping, constant collection of data? Interesting colors - want to explore more. Rating typeface seems a bit generic. The word rating seems slightly heavy.
#12. interesting color combination. not sure grey is a good color for bars here? d not care for gradients s they are hard to reproduce for embroidered items. kind of like the font style better in #2 for the word "rating". want to see some styles with totally different style fonts - looking for variations to choose from.
#39 - looks very simplistic (not bad). courious what it would look like with the bold type swapped "Insta = bold", "rating = non-bold". also if the first (lefthand) bar could be a lighter color to make it more contrast with the others. still looking for someone to wow us with color combinations. not sure we are there yet.