HI Karey here. with comments about the logo submissions so far... Please note, that the logo must use the name 'iLeadership'. This is the iPad application that needs an icon logo. If you have already submitted a logo with the other name, please add to your submissions with the word: iLeadership.
These are superb. In particular, 25, 25 both depict people. Entry 25 uses three images and 3 is the key number for this product. Can you adapt 24 to be a bit bigger. Or 25 to portray more than one person.
Please see my updated post. Overall I like your ideas the best, and see that if you incorporate some of the comments I´ve made that about creating the icon, it could be exactly what is needed.
Thank you for your positive feedback. I will continue to work on my logo concepts, incorporating your ideas. I'll post updates sometime between tonight and tomorrow. Thanks again.
58 is certainly an icon. Can you see the other comments and ranking. I´d really like to see something that shows the group striving for something more/higher/better.
With that said, your design 24 is superb. Maybe more people (and one or more breaking out) to achieve more could work too. This is exciting.
My name is Christian, great to meet you. Thank you, I'm glad your wife loves my designs. I will be submitting updated designs based on your feedback later today. Thanks again!
Thanks again for your feedback, and my apologies for the long wait, but I've been in deadline for a website project, plus converting #24 into a three person logo, was challenging, specially because it's not symmetrical.
Let me know what you think of #151 . . .
This logo is concept consist of one person embracing (purple), another learning (green), and yet another leading (orange). I made the font italic to emphasize the action of the leading figurine.
One general comment I have regarding the icon, and this may be more of a suggestion. Normally when you submit a logo mark for you app, iTunes automatically generates the rounded corner, squared icon. So, you don't necessarily need to have a logo mark that is contained with a rounded, corner square (unless, that's specifically what you want to have. For example, #151 can be your logo. But, when you submit your logo mark to iTunes, then itunes will generate an icon that looks like #152.
Read the section "Application Icons" for details. It explains what I mentioned to you in my previous commment.
You only need to submit the logo mark at the dimensions Apple requests, and they take care of turning it into an icon for you, specifically for displaying on the App Store, and on the devices (iPhone, iPad). Again, if you want your logo mark to consist of a rounded cornered, square (that looks like an app icon), then that can be achieved, but I just wanted to let you know that it's not required. Clients often think you have to design an icon for their logo.
Just to make sure you understand my terminology:
1.) Logo Mark - This is the pictorial mark / design. 2.) Logo Type - This is the type, or font use to display your business name 3.) Logo - Both your logo mark and your logo type as a whole
Thank you very much for the Apple link. I'll take another look.
Your explanation too is great, and very much appreciated: Mark, Type and both
Let's get a further headstart on 2. the Logo Type, and 3. the Logo... To fully use the logo the company will incorporate the words 'Connections Leadership'. Slogan: new ideas, new results, new impact ~ or ~ growing leadership & business