#3- would like to see some borders or "framing" in this logo. Would you consider adding some horizontal rules? Can you also add the year "2012"?
#15- I like the whimsical feel of this. Magazine name is hard to read. Also might benefit from a short horizontal rule or some sort of framing to add impact.
#4- Can you put the name of the magazine above the " & Food" and put the word "Festival" where the name of the magazine currently sits? Can you add a red or orange to this logo to make it brighter?
I don't know if it's possible, but there is a famous landmark in our community that has a very distinctive architectural appeal. I'm wondering if it's possible to incorporate some sort of representation of that image into the logo? Take a look at this website and let me know what you think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Hall