This is actually the same color with #368 is the text that is affecting to be a bit darker to look at. Anyway, I've submitted new updates for this as well.
I like this one a Lot too. But can you change font in ‘health & wellness’ to the same font as the one in # 376 but in black and make size slightly bigger than the one in # 376 pls ? Tysm
Iike the green bar for ‘health and wellness’ but still hard to read- can you change text color to black and also maybe another color that’s bright and then also change the font to something not like the Block style above. And still need to change the font for innovative to the one In # 378 & 376. Again sorry for all the revisions. Tysm
Is there a way to make ‘health & wellness ‘ pop more ? Ideas: different font or slightly darker green but I think the darker won’t look as good. This is from feedback I’ve gotten from others I’ve showed this to. I appreciate it and apologize for the many little revisions requests. Today I’m choosing one. Tysm
Hi again
Would you be able to make the text for ‘’health & wellness’ pop more because it’s hard to read, either a bolder white or change the font so the words pop more ? Dont want to changed anything else about that line. Could you also pls change the font for ‘innnovative’ to the font we’ve been using in the others, like in # 378 & 376. Tysm
Hi again. Ty for the revisions. Just a couple more small revisions on the 2 designs I like the best. This is one of the 2, above, and I’ll send a comment on the 2nd fav. to follow. So for this one can you pls make the horizontal line before and after ‘ health and wellness medical’ slightly wider (thicker) like you did in the others (same color green as above) and can you make the green text for ‘health and wellness medical’ just slightly larger. Lastly, can you Change the font for ‘innovative’ to the one we’ve been using, like in design # 372.
Ty so much
Hi again.
This one’s great ty. Could you pls do same but with the horizontal green line just one shade darker green and then another version with the one shade darker green and just slightly thicker green Horizontal line Tysm
And to introduce a little more color In different way, can you try having a horizontal line maybe between the 2 lines of text , in either bright but a little darker green OR a bright but little darker yeilow? If you cant really see the yellow, green is better. I’m not sure how it wiii look but your creative ideas would be great. Doesn’t have to be a full line from 1st letter to last, and can be assymmetric. Just wanted to see how that looks. Ty
So just a few more if you don’t mind:
It’s about font - easy stuff…..
can you do same as above but change the Font for innovative like it appears in # 334, and one more of the same but with font for innovative like in # 311? Ty!
And then lastly , using all black text again, could you thnk of a way to bring a just a little splash of yellow and/or green where the company band is? Something small and subtle, - could be a shadow of Coloring in or around one of the letters ? Probably just yellow would keep it subtle. I think that’s the last thing I’ll ask you ! Can’t promise though ….. lol
Also, sorry one more thing: can you also make the 2nd line text in the bolder style like you had it in the previous smaller text size ? If it’s too long then pls just make that text a little smaller (I realize it will be back to or close to the original size I asked you to make larger. Lol. Ty. Sorry about that.
Hi again. Love this. Would you mind sending me just a few more of the same but with the following revisions:
1- could you send me same but one with the 2nd line in green text and one with both lines of text in green ?
2- could you try putting the symbol above as the ‘I’ in Innovative and also have the light backround ring circling most of the company name as it is above and/or the ring similar but however you think it would look best ?
Ty so much and sorry to create more work for you …..
Hi. I love this design ! I think I’m even ready to stop messing around and choose this one ! Just one thing. Can you make the 2nd line of text just a little bit larger pls ? Still much smaller than Innovative but a little hard to read . Tysm
Love this ! Can you turn the symbol into one of the letters of innovative or health ? And can you bring another color into the logo ? Bright green wouid look great I think. Lastly can you make the yellow coloring of the symbol not so mustardy but more a bright sunny yellow ? Tysm
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Tysm !!!!!
Would you be able to make the text for ‘’health & wellness’ pop more because it’s hard to read, either a bolder white or change the font so the words pop more ? Dont want to changed anything else about that line. Could you also pls change the font for ‘innnovative’ to the font we’ve been using in the others, like in # 378 & 376. Tysm
Ty so much
R u able to make the green horizontal line a little wider (thicker) using the same color above ?
This one’s great ty. Could you pls do same but with the horizontal green line just one shade darker green and then another version with the one shade darker green and just slightly thicker green Horizontal line Tysm
updated with the suggested fonts on the 1st line.
updated with lines in between 1st & 2nd text lines.
with regards to the suggested text layout do you mean like:
------------- & -------------- (Another color w/ another font)
WELLNESS MEDICAL (Same color 1st text line / 3rd font)
_________ & INFUSION
This is just one I saw to give you one idea - this is how it looks in color and font:
1st line:
THE INJECTION (Is One color))
2nd line:
_________ & INFUSION (Another color with another font)
3rd line:
CLINIC OF ABQ (same color as 1st line but a 3rd font).
It’s about font - easy stuff…..
can you do same as above but change the Font for innovative like it appears in # 334, and one more of the same but with font for innovative like in # 311? Ty!
1- could you send me same but one with the 2nd line in green text and one with both lines of text in green ?
2- could you try putting the symbol above as the ‘I’ in Innovative and also have the light backround ring circling most of the company name as it is above and/or the ring similar but however you think it would look best ?
Ty so much and sorry to create more work for you …..