entry # 3 the logo 'innerdialogue' is one word, which works here I like the emergent body look at our site adhumanitas.com for our logo of Ad Humanitas. It is an emergent figure much less stylized but this is promising well done try some other fonts? I like the split color of ID
#6 lost its clarity the elements of the DNA molecule actually loses what you originally put in #1 so it needs a nuance rather than those lines, the sheen on the curve looked good the two words inner and dialogue are better split with color not sure I like the font you chose, too angular I like the classic look but it may need something quite radicle or quite conservative - sans serif or serif?
#13 liked the shadow below in the others the DNA seems to lose something, even tho' I asked for it perhaps one of the flames or aspects of the reaching up human, and the head is missing!
From our admin. person: #3 Flat #6 The strip looks a little like film and not DNA #13 Looks better but looks very much like the Djinn and is missing the integrity aspect that the dot represented [even though it is also round #14 Looks possibly drunk #10 Has a better use of color and shading but is all round and bubbly like a drink or a circus I also like the font on #13 [It might be my favorite] also because we are talking about inner life and therefore #13 looks more singular and less binary
another comment: I love #1 and #2 but I can see a few nuances: Bring in heart and or diamond ( I can do rough sketch w DNA slightly curving into heart and round head being more diamond shaped ( almost like burning man logo!) And I am wondering if there can be another color besides red? Something at heart level up - green/violet/indigo with silver?
what about a diamond or jewel as the head? and the previous note: too secularized, no spiritual element from one of our contributors not sure what you can do with that
There's nothing timeless about them, they look very trendy, very contemporary, very "now". Not very substantial. They'll look outdated in 5 years and I think the logo should have a little gravitas about it, something that smacks of the eternal or lasting or spanning the ages - like the way you chose Latin-ish for AdHumanitas.
Sorry to blather on here, but I just had the image of a candy wrapper - and this is the kind of spare trendy look that would be on it.
I think it needs something "whole" and "holy".
Symbolically, this favors the DNA icon and that's just not enough...
SO – as I was driving away a little too fast it came to me what I’d like to see – stylized or not, suggestion of the shape or more exact: I’d like to see the dove there. When I look at that image as is, one thing I get is the “inner” and “outer”. And somehow do I recall that the dot in the old days represented the One (God). But it doesn’t come across to me that way in this logo – it comes across to me as the united, integrated, whole self (not a bad thing for it to represent). To say nothing of it looking like a little face there...
Which is all to say that, as is, nothing in that logo strikes me as transcendent and I believe it needs a transcendent element and what better one than the dove?
If you look at #1, maybe the red half of the design could be exaggerated so that its shape approaches or suggests the dove?
Also – I think it would be good if the logo didn’t resemble or suggest (shapewise) the ubiquitous pink-cancer-ribbon.
blue is cold perhaps two tones or two colors front and back of figure - female and male aspect can we animate - bring alive the feel of the figure shadow gave depth the figure needs to open on its outreach we develop by moving vertically, from niche to niche - step by step, how do we bring that into the design? this is a progression of integration of self if you live in Indonesia - we are talking about the nafs and their suppression and acknowledgment how would progression look if we used color to indicate a progression of state from unintegrated to integrated? The style still looks dead not animated alive we need to bring a dynamic state into it
the wording looks not so good in this bas relief, no shadow or lines; as before. It was also about trying other fonts - garamond for example, palitino, Goudy. Again the logo needs to have more life to it, not relief, perhaps a little bit of txture altho' I like the reflection on it. You have added back the shadow component at its base good, try diffuse mask and slightly more obvious.
Ok - you have an emergent spiral evolution going on several spirals better perhaps than 1? hind leg kicked out - I think the other is better, but I see the movement doing good its still a little pedestrian, not yet alive
#69 can you dim out the shadow person yet make it visible, subtle I like the aleph/alpha or raising of the right and lowering of the left arm - Dervish, dawish, Sufi emblematic: go with this design - make it more loose, less defined All your drawings are very logic precise and have a slightly clinical feel. This is not to put these down, but to ask whether you can move the images more into a softer approach.
Hi CH this is my entry a rev of #69 and #25. #78, #79 and #80 I want to made logo with you own design ...it's possible ? By the way are you name solihinT ?....the name is familiar in Bandung . Indonesia Best Regards Erwin