#43 is on the right track . Give me some more samples very similar to that one. Maybe change the shape a little. I like it though its one of my top ones so far. Thx
Could you give me a few samples similar to #59 but place the balls on the top not bottom please and make the balls the same color blue that is in the logo. Thanks!
You never gave me more designs that were very similar to #43 so I wanted you to give it alittle moe. I really liked but wanted ou to play with it some more.
Hi, Thanks for considering my design, I've made the revisions, but I am still not able to submit it.
PS. When the contest is in judging if you want to ask for changes for any designer you need to put that designer ranked first.... just the first ranked designer can send new versions of the logo.... you can switch anytime between designers and ask for the changes...