No problem - can you please make one final revision by enlarging the Red "iNET" within the ball shape and put it in the section to the upper left right next to the current section it is in?
Can you please make another revision with the following changes: 1) Make the "iNET" within the ball shape itself smaller in size 2) Shift the smaller "iNET" word down to the lower left section of the ball so that it fits within the lines of that individual section and does not cross over any lines
Can you please provide another revision of this one with only the "dot" above the "i" as Red, and then the LLC in Red and on the side vertically instead of horizontal. Nothing else needs to be changed - I want to see what that looks like with just a slight touch of Red Color added.
Looks great, but I would love to see the original one you did that I have ranked in 1st Place with just the Red "iNET" in the middle of that logo ball in smaller font please
Thanks - this is my favorite one so far. Can you please submit a new version with a Red Colored "i" inside of the ball. Also, please change the wording color of "iNET" to all Blue, but with the "dot" above the "i" as Red. The "Solutions" word can also be colored Blue, but with the LLC in Red and on the side vertically instead of horizontal please.
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Thanks for finalized the contest, i just uploaded the final files,
please approves under "my contest" button, so they can release the prize.
Thanks a lot.