I think a lot (if not most) still associate European countries with kings/royalty. This logo brings that element as well as idea of buying something of high quality. The hand-drawn quality of the icon/text conveys the ease of purchase.
Thank you Joas for your drafts. We don't want the EU flag, because we are afraid it makes a to foreign. The idea with the crown #61 we really like. But your first draft of it seem a little bit unpractical. The logo is very high but didn't uses the space. The logo seems to simple or plain to us, too. But we really like to see more in the crown direction.
here is an update with a new typeface and simpler crown - is this a step in the right direction? Do you like the "sketchiness" of the crown, or would you prefer a cleaner look? I thought the sketched aspect brought a little fun to the more serious type face.
Here are a couple more variations - please let me know if this is a step closer or further from what you envision. Also, if you have any changes, revisions or anything else you'd like to see, please let me know. Thanks! josh
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