Could you enlarge the blue part in the EU flag just enough to cover the whole white point between "indulging" and "eu". We like the placement of the point in the middle instead of the bottom line (as you did).
Could you place the yellow star a bit asymmetric (not in the middle of the "u" but a bit to the left/right) please.
hi... thanks again for your feedback :) here some variation following your instructions don't mind to ask about any change you wanted to see bests fermat
first of all, thank you very much for the new variations!
#130 just made us think about the opportunity to use the star as a dot between "indulging" and "eu" - in central position or on the bottom line (on the blue part or 50/50 on blue and white).
Furthermore we think it is better when "indulging" does not touch the blue area.