Hi, a pleasure to greet you, and is happy to be participating in your contest. Here I uploaded my design alternatives for your logo #76 #77 #78 Hope you like.
If you have any requirement, please feel free to let me know. It will be a pleasure to work for you.
Thank you so much for your designs, 76, 77 & 78. #76 is my preferred one. is the grey a whale or cloud - i like the concept, but could you give me some options - without the grey - in a pencil sketch and with a dolphin / whale. many thanks, Meirion
Thank you Daniel, i'm looking for a corporate text with an easily identifiable and connectable logo, transferable across different mediums (print, Signboards and clothing), so your single line image is attractive from that perspective. Thanks again. i will look forward to hearing back from you. the blue / green colour mentioned in the brief is to get some differentiation from my competors, so it would be good if that can be worked in. Kind regards, Meirion
Thank you Daniel, i'm looking for a corporate text with an easily identifiable and connectable logo, transferable across different mediums (print, Signboards and clothing), so your single line image is attractive from that perspective. Thanks again. i will look forward to hearing back from you. the blue / green colour mentioned in the brief is to get some differentiation from my competors, so it would be good if that can be worked in. Kind regards, Meirion