#91 Love it, CCS. Love the simplicity, the colour. Could you give me some alternatives with the font. i'm trying to have corporate looking text with a logo that's easy to connect with. maybe Indian and Ocean need to be on the same line?
#159 thank you. could you increase the size of all the text (both lines) put indian ocean in bold, building company in lower case and move the dolphin to the centre like #91 please. many thanks, Meirion
#198 thanks for that. it does need a space between the two words (indian and ocean). my apologies. if you can make that change that would be great, thanks.
Hi, the uploaded files came through in green. any chance that you could double check the colour for me. Many thanks. you can reach me at: meirion@lamondpowell.net.au if it's easer. Meirion