Here are a couple of simple icons that work great for logo, favicon and app icon uses. I refrained from using the word "in" inside of the icon because Linkedin already does that in the tech sector. You don't want to be anywhere close to that due to legal reasons.
#140 | Simple clear icon for multiple online and print use...also works well in black and white. #141 | Shows a "connection" and a simple cloud. Tells your story in a simple way.
This entry shows a power button that forms the initials "i" and "c" inside a cloud...It represents you giving power to others by opening doors via the cloud.
Really like these. Enrty 142. Could I see it without the 'on' switch in the cloud...and 'Hosted Business Services' as the tag line. Also like to see with the font style as per the example I uploaded in the initial brief logo. Thank you.
Entry 142. Just read your notes again. Points noted. I must be slow - I didnt connect the i+c with the power button!! Very clever. Hence could I see it also with it back in though turning the power button sideways so the 'i' has the dot facing to the right (as well as the above request to see it without). Many thanks.