The eyelash doesn't work for me, but I appreciate you trying. I actually like the eye of #28 with the iris graphic like #50. Looks like you may have had to make the eye bigger to accommodate the treble cleff...? Nevertheless, mind finding the middle ground here?
Thanks for the revisions! How about this: Let's work with #53. 1) Please notice the new tag line "Get In Focus" that needs to replace "Put Your Music In Focus." 2) I am still a little partial to the logos that utilize the camera shutter graphic, particularly now that I have changed the tag line to "Get In Focus." Here is my thought...can you make the inside of the eye like a camera shutter similar to some of the other ranked logos that utilize it? You might even want to imitate ranked logo 1 and do a shutter with multiple colors to compliment the basic colors you use for the rest of the logo. I don't know if there will be enough space then to put a recognizable treble clef inside the eye. Thanks for your hard work. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
I so much appreciate all the work. Although your idea is simple, I keep going back to it as one of my favorites. Here's the deal: I am going to redo my website based on the logo I choose. That is the reason I am making suggestions to you to introduce more color into the logo, i.e., to give me some options with the rest of the website. Even though i suggested it, the shutter in the eye doesn't seem to be working. The eye has the most potential to introduce color but I don't like the blue or yellow iris. I really have run out of ideas for the moment. I am confident that you will come up with the missing ingredient here. You're the professional! I look forward to your next submission.
Let's work with no. 28. What if we simply added a different color to the tag line "Get In Focus?" Mind trying a few different colors? (tag line needs to be changed in no. 28 to "Get In Focus"
#78-Please make the word "In" black like "Music." Try a deeper shade of red (maybe Burgendy?) for "Get In Focus" and use this same redish color for the dot on the "i" in Music. Thanks!