I've been involved in NUMEROUS modern young adult contemporary non-denominational churches for the past 6 years, and even done graphic design for most of them. A recurring pattern that I noticed is attractive to that target age group, is keeping it simple yet graphic. Direct religious references in a logo like an "old school" cross with fancy edges, aren't AS popular as something like a logo where someone will ask "what kind of church is that?" It's a sad truth, but todays society sees a typical cross or cliche serif font and think "a place to be judged". Having a modern and sleek design like this opens up a dialog about something other than a "Traditional" baptist church that's meant for today's mid range generations, but I also noticed people don't shy away because titles are kept short. I've spent the past 5 years studying how people perceive Christians and relate to them via visual aspects like logos and marketing approach. Some of the churches I've gone to are www.forcey.org ( I helped start up Third Hour and Laminin Creative Arts -
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Forcey-Laminin-Creative-Arts-Ministry/98710483544). I've also been a part of Frontline with McLean Bible Church (
http://www.frontlinedc.com/) and many others. Those all helped me keep in line with the vision of the logo.
(This comment references Entry #10)